How does a heat pump hot water system work?

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Urban Future Heat Pump Hot Water System
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    Image: I-Store 270L & Enviroheat 250L heat pump

    A heat pump hot water system works by transferring heat from the air outside your home to the water in your hot water tank. It does this using a refrigerant, which is a special gas that can change from a liquid to a gas and back again.

    A heat pump has 3 main parts

    • An evaporator coil, which is located inside the unit (pictured right). This coil is cooled by the refrigerant, which causes it to change from a liquid to a gas.
    • A compressor, which increases the pressure of the refrigerant gas. This makes the gas hotter.
    • A condenser coil, which is located outside the unit. This coil cools the refrigerant gas, which causes it to change back to a liquid.

    The heat pump works by circulating refrigerant through these three parts. The evaporator coil absorbs heat from the air inside your home, and the condenser coil releases heat to the air outside your home. This process of transferring heat is called heat pumping.

    istore heat pumpHeat Pumps are Energy Efficient

    Heat pump hot water systems are more energy efficient than conventional electric hot water heaters. They can save you up to 50% on your hot water bills. They are also better for the environment, as they produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

    Some of the benefits of heat pump hot water systems:

    • They are more energy efficient than conventional electric hot water heaters.
    • They can save you up to 50% on your hot water bills.
    • They are better for the environment (few greenhouse gas emissions).
    • They are quiet.
    • They can be installed in any location, regardless of the climate.

    If you are looking for a way to save money on your hot water bills and reduce your environmental impact, a heat pump hot water system is a good option.

    Drawbacks of heat pump hot water systems:

    • They are more expensive to purchase than conventional electric hot water heaters.
    • They may not work well in cold climates (which we don’t have to worry about here in Perth).
    • They may require more maintenance than conventional electric hot water heaters.

    Overall, heat pump hot water systems are a good option for homeowners who are looking to save money on their hot water bills and reduce their environmental impact. However, they may not be the best option for everyone, depending on their specific needs and circumstances.